
This is my blog where you can get details on how to get a commission as well as status updates!
You can also keep track of my image posts on callmepo.tumblr.com (general audience) and pinupsushi.tumblr.com (mature works here!)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Thanks for all the support!

Click me!


ThaMan said...

You've definitely got my support, man.

NightFall said...

I can't believe they banned you, that is fucking shit.

infernalperson said...

Sorry to hear about the ban. I don't mind seeing you post a bit more outside of dA's reaches, though! Hope things work out to your satisfaction.

Mademoiselle Rachelle said...

You're Welcome CMP! I was wondering for a while why I hadn't seen anything from ya, until I found out you got the the "Ban Hammer" Which is better than, being shot out of an ion cannon never to return.